
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Golden Heart Day!

Well - Golden Heart Day a day late. Better late than never, right?

Yesterday was wild! I didn't enter this year, so I didn't have the stress of sitting around waiting for that phone call. BUT, I had several friends I was cheering for and keeping fingers crossed all day for. Several made it!! Sadly, a few didn't. It's times like this where you can really see where just sheer luck plays into the publishing game. I've read - and totally agree - it takes a few things to make it as a writer.

Talent - Perseverance & LUCK. Lots and lots of luck.

Did only the most talented final yesterday? No. There were alot of very talented people that finaled - but probably just as many that didn't make it this time. Not finaling is just that - not finaling. It's not the end of your writing career. Is finaling a sure thing to the fast track of being published? No. There is no sure thing. Just Talent - Perseverance & Luck.

So - to those that did final - especially, my very special friends -- Tawny Weber, Leslie Dicken, Stacey Lynn, Anna Sugden & Beth Burgoon -- SUPER MEGA CONGRATULATIONS!!! You think being a writer I'd have more to say than just a bunch of exclaimation points. I'm just so thrilled that you all are getting the wonderful recognition you deserve and that I have so many to cheer for this year. I hope that the Golden Heart experience is the ride of your life. Enjoy every second! I hope to see you all up on that stage in July!!

And to those that this just wasn't the year? Persevere!! Take a few days if you need them - but don't let this be something that keeps you down for long.

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