
Sunday, December 25, 2005


Hi Everybody and Merry Christmas! (or Happy Holidays to those that don't celebrate Christmas)

I finally have everything wrapped and I'm getting ready to do the pretending to go to sleep thing for a few hours before getting back up to get things under the tree. I just hope I don't fall into a deep sleep and forget to wake up. Reminds me of a dream I had a year or so ago that I was so caught up in writing and things that I totally blew off Christmas. After this year I can totally see that happening. Not that I think I'd ever really do that - but did it totally sneak up on us this year or what? I didn't even get my tree put up until last week.

It's time to start thinking about the new year and all the hopes we have for this to be the year for bigger and better things. But with all that comes even more that keeps us busy. I can imagine that if I had deadlines I could very easily push Christmas to the back of my mind just a little more. My kids may not want me to be published before they're older and on their own. While I dream for that day to happen - time management is something I'd really have to work at.

So anyway - MERRY CHRISTMAS to everybody! I hope you have a very special time with your friends and family - and to my friends on the Playground, both published and on the way - may this be the year that many of your dreams come true and may you have a perfect holiday with those you love.

Posted by Anonymous :: 12:24 AM :: 1 Comments:

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