
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Searching for an Agent

For a long time, I didn't want an agent and was very vocal about telling my friends I didn't want one. Then I won a critique from an agent and she read my stuff and offered representation. That got me to considering, but I declined her offer. Then about nine months later a dear friend of mine signed with an agent and was so excited about her and I'd reached a point in my writing career where I was totally frustrated at getting no where that via email communication I got a request and then that agent offered representatin & I accepted.

The relationship started off well, but after a few months it became obvious that we had different visions for my career that should have been established prior to my signing on with her. In April of this year we parted ways.

Now, I need an agent and feel at a loss as to where to even start looking. I talked to a few published & agented friends and got their advice and the names of their agents. I queried a total of 6 agents and am hoping that one of them falls totally in love with my writing. Because I don't just want an agent. I want a great agent who LOVES my writing voice and believes in me as an author. Where do such creatures abide? Sure wish I knew because I find the entire process time consuming and tedious when what I really want to be doing is writing.

I have a dream agent. Who doesn't? But a part of me is scared that I chose the wrong ones to send, that I should have changed this or that prior to sending. Another part says that if the agent loves my voice this and that or which manuscript it is won't really matter. How do I convey in a letter that I am dead serious about my writing career and want an agent who is too? How do I convey that I have big dreams and plan to see them as realities?

Funny, I always thought that if you sold a book, agents would find you. That doesn't seem to be the case. At least not up to this point. Still, I won't sign with an agent I don't click with. Nor an agent who I don't believe in. Or one who doesn't want big things for me as an author. No agent is definitely better than the wrong agent.

Janice~dreaming of being published AND agented. Ah. Someday.

Posted by Janice Lynn :: 12:37 AM :: 1 Comments:

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