
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Peeking in

Why is it I can write an entire manuscript, but the idea of writing a blog is freaky? Maybe it's that a manuscript is fiction, and for better or worse -this is me . But that opens the question of - how much of ourselves goes into our stories? How deeply do we mine our psyche to feed that manuscript? Those internal conflicts- to make them real, deep - do we pull from our own lives, from our own fears and issues? Do you?

I don't know that I do... I mean, I'll be honest, there is always a part of me in my characters - some more so than others. In my 2004 Golden Heart finaling manuscript, I had contest feedback once that told me that the heroine was simply too over the top to be believable. Ironically, she is the one character I've written based on a real person. Me. So am *I* too over the top? Some might say so.

But my other characters... me or not? I guess if I analyzed each one, I'd find something of me in there. Their favorite food, the way the dress, their penchant for shoes. Something .

How about you? Do you resonate with characters that are like you? Or do you enjoy reading different characters that challenge your perceptions of self?

Posted by Tawny :: 1:55 AM :: 1 Comments:

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